Siarter Iaith

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Our aim as a county is to inspire our children and young people to use their Welsh in all aspects of their lives.

Y Siarter Iaith yn Ysgol Griffith Jones

By 2050, the Welsh Senedd have set a target to increase the number of Welsh speakers to 1 million. As a part of this, Welsh schools have enrolled in a scheme called ‘Y Siarter Iaith/The Welsh Charter’. The aim is to encourage the enjoyment and use of Welsh socially in primary schools across Wales. As part of the scheme, each school has their own targets and all members of the school community work together to implement them.

Our aim as Language Ambassadors is to promote the use of Welsh in all aspects of school life here at Ysgol Griffith Jones. The Welsh language belongs to all of us.

For more information, follow the link below.

WG48543 (

Two languages = Twice the choice!


  • Ensure that all the stakeholders of the school are aware of our vision ‘The Welsh language is all ours.’
  • Raise the profile of the use of Welsh around the school.
  • The School Council promotes the use of Welsh.
  • We have a clear development plan for promoting the charter.
  • We use the baseline as a starting point to assess impact.

How?We are:-

  • Celebrating and encouraging.
  • The School Council plays a key role in promoting the Welsh language around the school.
  • Key role for the School Council.
  • Use of the character ‘Celt’ in every class.
  • Promoting activities beyond the classroom e.g. Eisteddfod.
  • Visitors e.g. art, music, poetry, sport.
  • Use of digital technology.
  • Reinforcing the need for both wheels to function!

What are the advantages?

  • It is easier for those who speak two languages to learn other languages.
  • Research also determines that bilingual pupils also tend to do better in other subjects at school.
  • More jobs than ever before in Wales are asking for bilingual skills. Welsh is a valuable asset in the workplace
  • On average, bilingual children achieve higher English test and exam results than children who speak only one language.

The role of the governors

Our Government body: –

  • Take an active part in its implementation. We have a designated governor for supporting a Language Charter
  • Take an active role in it’s implementation.
  • Support the School Council.
  • Use the Welsh language where possible during school visits.
  • Celebrate school successes.
  • Attend activities to promote the Welsh language.
  • Support the School Council in promoting the use of Welsh within the local community.


  • Pupils are aware of the charter.
  • It is consistently included on the School Council’s agenda.
  • Parents were informed of the charter.
  • Guidance is given to parents on how/where to learn Welsh within the community.
  • Governors have an active role in supporting the charter with one specific governor lead role.
  • The workforce work together to promote the school’s vision for promoting the use of Welsh.


  • Continue to promote the use of the Welsh language across the school.
  • To develop use of the language on the playground.
  • To work with ‘Menter Sir Gâr’ to promote the use of Welsh.
  • To organise a parents evening to raise awareness of the value of the Welsh language.


Our targets as we aim for the Gold Award are:

  • Increase pupil confidence in their Welsh oracy skills.
  • Ensuring pupils use their Welsh in class and around the school.
  • To raise pupil awareness of Welsh music and Welsh programmes.
  • To ensure all pupils have access to a range of Welsh reading material on a daily basis.